
Camps - Poland

Nothing is better than to see how students hear and accept the gospel and then observe how the local youth group leads them to grow in a relationship with Jesus which then do the same with their friends and close people. Using conversational English as the connection point, English Camps help unbelievers connect to the local church. Along with facilitating these camps, the Camps team also trains and develops young Polish leaders to serve as interns in these camps and in their local churches back home. Your donation will help to support our Polish interns, send Polish students to camp, and support national leaders.

Camp & Conference Center h2o

This facility is our base for evangelism and leadership training in a country of 38 million people that has less than 1% evangelical believers. Camps are the most fruitful form of outreach in Poland, and focused training can equip a new generation of leaders for the church.

Healing the brokenness of the young generation

Many young people in Poland have experienced difficulties that have broken them beyond repair unless God rescues them. Project 29:11 is dedicated to “healing the brokenness of this generation”. The primary tool we use for this are "Exit" weekends, which are designed to take each participant through a process of identifying, acknowledging, and forgiving the hurts they have experienced. We have seen this be an incredible fruitful tool as young people process their trauma with our trained and dedicated team of volunteers and staff. We are raising funds for participation scholarships for this school year. We have already raised 7,240 USD within Poland for these scholarships, and are seeking an additional 21,276 USD to cover scholarships for those who would like to attend.

Fusion Music Outreach - Poland

We want to reach youth through rock/gospel choirs based in local churches. This ministry was pioneered in the Czech Republic and will be launched in Poland at the beginning of 2015.

Fala General Fund

In Poland, Josiah Venture’s national organization is called “Fala”, which means “wave” in Polish. With over 30 staff members and a camp facility called H2O, Fala inspires and equips hundreds of young Polish leaders each year to make disciples who make disciples.

Giving to the Fala General Fund allows us to quickly direct funds to those programs within Fala that are most needed.

Plan A: Discipleship Deepend

Our Josiah Venture Poland team has committed to a special ministry focus this school year called “Plan A: Deepened Discipleship”. After our team completed a 6-month youth ministry research project about the impact of the pandemic on youth ministry, we clearly saw youth leaders and young people crying out for someone to personally lead, shepherd and invest in them. This desire for personal discipleship, combined with the needs of our team and the current challenges and ministry limitations caused by the pandemic, led us to believe God is calling us to invest even more in our disciplemaking. Each of our missionaries has specifically invited 1-2 young leaders to a year-long discipleship program in which the leader will be deeply and intentionally discipled by our missionary, and do the same with 2-3 young people as well. Using the imagery of the New Testament relationship between Paul and Timothy, we want to see the baton of faith passed on through multiplication discipleship. Each “Paul & Timothy” will focus on 4 key aspects of discipleship which we see in the Great Commission: relationship, identity, fruitfulness, and power. Five weekend discipleship training events will equip, inspire and fuel the discipleship focus throughout the year. We will also be creating special 'exposure' trips to help expand our understanding of our ministry. Our prayer is that God will use “Plan A” to expand our experience and skill in disciplemaking and will lead to lasting fruit in each of our discipleship relationships between the 22 Pauls, 27 Timothies and hundreds of youth who will be discipled throughout this year. The cost per Timothy is $1714 USD, or $45/week. We have 1026 weeks of Plan A to fund! God has already funded 200 of those weeks. Would you consider funding one or more of the remaining 826 weeks of Plan A?

El Dorado: Empowering Polish Emerging Leaders

One of Josiah Venture’s programs in Poland, called El Dorado, creates space for teenagers to discover their calling as they serve among their peers. The program brings together young people from many different cities and various denominations. Its mission is to reach the young generation with the Gospel, equip growing leaders to take first steps in ministry, and to support them as they serve their local churches.

Poland’s evangelical population is very small; all of Poland‘s 40,000 professing evangelical believers (approximately 1 out of 1,000) would fit into a large sports stadium. Almost all work in Polish local churches is done by volunteers. Less than 5% of churches have full-time workers. At the same time, many teenagers often don’t serve in their churches. El Dorado exists to help them discover and live out their calling. Through El Dorado, they gain experiences and skills which they put to use in their own churches—by leading youth groups, worship teams, organizing conferences, or leading international mission trips.

We believe that God wants to use teenagers in unimaginable ways. Unfortunately, many young people find themselves in churches that aren’t equipped to challenge them. Future leaders desire intense and focused growth, so every year the El Dorado team organizes 3 weekend conferences and a summer camp that help growing leaders gain vital knowledge and skills, as well as tools and experience in being disciples who make disciples. We also organize 2 weekend training retreats for a team of 15 key volunteers who are taking first steps in ministry and discovering their calling by serving in El Dorado.

Each of our 15 volunteers will serve at 6 events this year. The total need for a volunteer to serve at these 6 events is $1400 ($235/event). Our total need for our 15 volunteers is $21,000. Would you consider providing the finances for a volunteer to serve in our ministry this year?

In 2024 we’re expecting to welcome a total of 200 participants at our events. Because our target audience are teenagers, often from homes which cannot afford the full price of our events, we provide scholarships of $70 to subsidize the cost of each of our events for each participant. By providing a $70 scholarship, you’ll be symbolically adopting a Polish young person by giving them the chance to come to know and follow Jesus.