Miriam Paszová
UK Giving Options
There are a number of ways you can send a gift to benefit the ministry of Miriam Paszová
1. BAC
Bank Automated Credit is the easiest way to give regularly or to send a one-off gift.
You can set this up yourself on the payments facility on your internet banking.
Our details are:
Account Number: 19140853
Sort Code: 835200
Please enter as a Reference: 204012/your surname, your initial
2. Standing Order
If you would prefer not to use internet banking and would like a Standing Order Form, you can download one here.
Download Standing Order
3. Cheque
If you would like to send a cheque, please make it payable to Josiah Venture UK and post to:
Josiah Venture UK
27 Glen Shee Avenue
East Renfrewshire
Scotland, G78 3QE
Please ensure you include your contact details and whose ministry you would like your gift to support.
4. Debit or Credit Card
If you would like to give by Debit or Credit Card, you can make your donation here.
PayPal Donate Link
Gift Aid Declaration
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid any donations you make. Gift Aid is a government scheme which enables JVUK to reclaim 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you from the tax you have paid or will pay. In order for us to claim, please complete the declaration, and ensure you include your name, address, and post code in the contact details section.
Gift Aid Declaration Form